Monday, November 11, 2019

Cyp Core 3.4: Support Children & Young People’s Health & Safety.

Understand how to plan & provide environments & services that support children & young people’s health & safety. 1. 1Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy & safe indoor & outdoor environments & services. There are a number of important principles to think about when you are planning for healthy and safe environments or activities with children. Most of these are common sense but you need to remember that everyone is an individual and may have different needs.There are several points to take into consideration when planning safety:  · Every child is an individual – with different needs depending on their age and abilities. You must think about this when planning activities.  ·Some children have specific needs such as sensory impairments.  ·The different needs of families and careers must be considered.  ·Always be clear about why you are using the environment in question, the activities a child encounters and what sorts of services are o ffered.  ·The duty of care of a setting to children, parents and careers is a legal obligation.You should always have the child’s safety and welfare in the front of your mind when planning.  ·The desired outcomes for the children are the starting point. Most activities with children should have clear aims and objectives that are based around the required outcomes linked to their age.  ·Lines of responsibility and accountability are down to everyone that is employed in a setting, responsibility for the health and safety of children and staff are down to all employers and there should be clear reporting responsibilities.When I plan I ensure that the location/setting of what I plan to do with the Children is the right environment for the activity. I ensure that I account for all possibilities. If I were using bikes or scooters I would check that the bikes or scooters were in good working condition and safe. I would ensure the equipment (bikes or scooters) are used in the p roper manner and with all the safety accessories (helmets/elbow & knee pads) with plenty of space, so it would be impractical to use them indoors due to the lack of space, they would be used outdoors.I would check that all the entrances and exits to the outdoor area are secure (closed/locked) I would ensure that I had the correct staff ratio to support with the activity. I would ensure that the planned outdoor space for the activity was safe, that there were no rubbish, or plant threats, that there was no dog or cat mess around and that the ground was suitable for riding bikes or scooters. In my risk assessment’s I make sure that I take into account that Children and Young people are individuals, each with different needs.A varied environment supports Children and Young people’s learning and development, it gives them confidence to explore and learn in safe and secure yet challenging indoors or outdoor space. Risk assessments are carried out to ensure the safety of the activity and for all taking part in the activity. Risk assessments should be carried out for all activities and regular checks should be carried out around the setting daily. 1. Explain how health & safety is monitored & maintained & how people in the work setting are made aware of risks & hazards & encouraged to work safely. Health and safety is monitored and maintained in a verity of ways within the setting. Under the Health and safety at work act 1974 all employees have a responsibility for the health and safety of everyone else. There is a poster displayed in the setting outlining responsibilities, we have a Healthy and Safety policy, which is shared with all staff and available to parents, outlining the main areas and objectives.These objectives are implemented into the everyday running of the setting – all staff are aware of health and safety and are constantly assessing the area that they are working in or the activity they are carrying out, there are also other polic ies in place covering – food and drink, arrival and departure, non collection of children, changing if accidents happen, outings, administrating medicines, missing children, safeguarding and fire procedure. These policies give a clear outline to what procedures are in place and how they are followed.They also work alongside the EYFS framework, which considers all aspects of children’s welfare including safeguarding, suitable persons, suitable premises and equipment. Staff training is kept up to date. Risk assessments are carried out regularly including a daily check of the environment, which is being used; a full risk assessment of tools, equipment and the environment is carried out each term, and if there are any issues that need addressing they are looked at and rectified.It may be possible for some issues to be rectified there and then, such as a broken toy, which needs to be thrown away, or a cleaning material, which has been left out. Other issues may need an acti on plan which sets out what needs to be rectified, how long this may take and by whom it should be carried out. The action plans are then reviewed within a manageable time frame to ensure the action has been completed. A risk assessment is only valid at the time it is carried out. It is important to monitor risks identified and to change anything that needs updating.The setting manager is ultimately responsible for health and safety and any risks identified are directed to her, she would then decide the best process to rectify them. Regular staff meetings are held where any issues can be raised. Children, parents, staff and visitors are made aware of any issues concerning health and safety to help minimise any risks and to ensure children are able to thrive in a healthy environment. With all members of staff being aware of the policies and procedures in place we are working together to create a safe, happy secure environment for the children. 1. Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy & safe environments & services. There are a number of agencies that you could refer to for guidance for planning healthy & safe environments & services:  ·Health & safety executive – is the national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness. They are an independent regulator and act in the public interest to reduce work-related death and serious injury across Great Britain’s workplaces  ·Child accident prevention trust – they are committed to reducing the number of children and young people killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents. Department for schools & families – is committed to creating a world-class state education system. They will work to improve the opportunities and experiences available to children and the education workforce by focusing on the following priorities: Giving greater autonomy to schools Improving parental choice Offering more support for the poorest Whole system improvement Great quality provision for children EYFS – sets standards and frameworks to follow to ensure the safety of children & young people  ·The government web-site – (directgov) is a great source of information and guidance  ·Workplace policies & procedures – health safety in work place, risk assessment, care-plans, healthy choices food, adhere to codes of practice promote a caring safe environment, meet the child's needs and requirements, keep confidentiality, communicate with multi agencies, record all accurate information and everything documented, safeguarding policies, pass on information to relevant people, promote well-being, keep updated on training to develop your skills and improve your knowledge, raise any concerns to relevant people . 4Explain how current health & safety legislation, policies & procedures are implemented in own work setting or service. The most important legislation in the UK is the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation S tage. Since 2008 this sits alongside health and safety legislation and covers every aspect of the welfare of children which includes – †¢ Safeguarding †¢ Suitable people †¢ Suitable premises and equipment †¢ Organisation †¢ Documentation Health & Safety is very important. The Health & Safety Act is up on the wall for all of us to refer to if needed. My manager ensures that we all are trained and up to date with any new policies.We have fire drills (Fire Safety Order 2005), so all staff and children know what to do and where to assemble. We carry out Fire risk assessments each term. We are all trained or in the process of training in first aid, (the First Aid at Work Regulations 1981) and have adequate, appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in our setting. We know how to record any first aid incidents or accidents and a bump note is always sent home with the child, when it’s a member of staff who is hurt for example I cut my finger, so I had to fill in an accident form detailing how and what first aid I was given and sign it. We ensure the setting provides a clean and safe environment for the staff and the children to work in.If any staff member is required to clean any spillages or clean any bodily fluids up we know where the products are kept and how to dispose of it safely and also what protective clothing to wear. All cleaning products and chemicals are kept in a locked cupboard. Children are taught to wash hands before eating and after using the toilet and also to throw away any tissues and wash their hands. If any child is ill which may spread to others their parents are informed and asked to collect the child as soon as possible and they are asked to keep the child off school for the appropriate length of time required so as to prevent it spreading to others. We are all responsible for good house keeping; new employees are informed of all relevant health and safety information as part of the i nduction process.All equipment has the correct safety markings in place, and electrical equipment is PAT tested yearly. The setting manager is responsible for the purchasing and maintenance of equipment and materials ensuring that it all complies with current health and safety standards. Risk assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis (the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999). Educational visits and journeys are all risk assessed. We also refer to and follow the legal framework:  ·Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)  ·Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992  ·Electricity at Work Regulations 1989  ·Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) (2002)  ·Food Hygiene 2006  ·The Care standards Act Childcare Act 2006 – this sets out the statutory framework for assessment of settings, including health and safety in EYFS in force from Sept 2008  ·Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amen ded)  ·Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992  ·EYFS framework  ·Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995  ·Smoking Ban – UK wide in indoor public places from 1st July 2007 (EYFS includes a legal requirement to ensure children are always in a smoke-free environment)  ·Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts)(Amendment) Regulations 2006 2Be able to recognise & manage risks to health, safety & security in a work setting or off site visits Assessed in the real work environment 2. 1/2. 2/2. 3 2. 4Explain how health & safety risk assessments are monitored & reviewedAny setting or activity carries a level of risk, by identifying and reducing risks in advance, the children in our care can make full use of the setting or activity to maximise the value and enjoyment. There are several different risks that you need to consider- †¢ Physical risks †¢ Security risks †¢ Fire risks †¢ Food safety r isks †¢ Emotional risks †¢ Personal safety risks Effective management of risk should become automatic as we become more experienced. For every activity we plan, we think about the hazards, the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the control measures. If I see a hazard in my day-to-day work, I deal with it straight away; it can be as simple as mopping up spilt water or moving toys of the floor.Risk assessment forms are used to assess hazards and identify control measures for all activities and outings. We carry out daily risk assessments throughout the setting and outside the setting. Our manager is responsible for the risk assessments that are carried out yearly (electrical/fire equipment/building) and for reviewing the risk assessments once or twice a term. A good risk assessment is only valid at the time it is carried out. Although the setting, outing or activity may be one you have used many times, one very important factor will change: The children taking part. Effe ctive risk assessments must take account of each child taking part and the number of children.Once we have started the activity that we have risk assessed it is important that we monitor the risks we identified and if anything changes we should review and change the risk assessment immediately. 3Understand how to support children & young people to assess & manage risk for themselves. 3. 1Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management We consider Managing Risks in Play Provision to be an important document that will contribute to the debate on the provision of children's play. It articulates the balance between the benefit and the need for children to play against the duty of play providers to provide safe play.We must not lose sight of the important developmental role of play for children in the pursuit of the unachievable goal of absolute safety. It makes clear that the safety must be considered at all stages of play provision but that, inevitably, there will be risk of injury when children play, as there is risk of injury in life generally. The important message is though that there must be freedom from unacceptable risk of life-threatening or permanently disabling injury in play. † Any activity a child does involves some risk. If the activity is well planned and organised with thought given to possible risks the likelihood of an accident or injury should be minimal. The secret is to balance the risks of an activity against the benefit to and safety of the child.Risk and challenge are important to a child’s development. Avoiding all risks and challenges would result in a very timid adult lacking in many everyday skills and abilities. It would be very easy to respond to all the risks to which children are exposed by not allowing them to explore or experiment. Children need to explore their environment, it is one of the ways in which they learn, but it needs to be a â€Å"safe† environment where adults control th e risk. Children need some freedom in order to develop their skills. Understanding the stage of development a child is at and their individual needs can help to provide the right amount of risk in activities. 3. Explain the dilemma between the rights & choices of children & young people & health & safety requirements. 3. 3Give example from own practice of supporting children or young people to assess & manage risk. Children learn by trying out new experiences and making choices. But they do not always have the skills and judgement to make safe choices. We as careers have the responsibility to identify potential hazards in any situation and to judge when it is safe to allow a child to undertake an activity or make a choice. Some children need this freedom to explore risk more than others. In a well-controlled setting the child can be encouraged to explore and try out new skills.At the start of the year our reception children were encouraged to explore the outdoor play activity. A few of the children were too scared to try and go round the activity, we supported them by holding their hand and walking around the activity with them, after a few times we would walk round with them but not hold their hand, instead we would praise them (wow look how far you have come; nearly there well done). Within a few weeks they were all able to go round the activity on their own. Some of the older children are allowed to climb the trees at the setting, if one of the younger children wanted to climb a tree and I felt that it was not suitable for their age and stage of development, I would suggest a different activity for them to do.Understanding the stage of development a child is at and their individual needs can help us to provide the right amount of risk in activities, for example children under the age of 8 cannot safely judge the speed or distance of a car on the road, so a child under the age of 8 should never be allowed to cross the road alone. Children are usually very go od at deciding what is safe or not. Using large play equipment is a good example of how children assess and manage risk. Without adult or another child’s interference most children will not stretch themselves beyond their capabilities. 4. Understand appropriate responses to accidents, incidents emergencies & illness in work setting & off site visits. 4. 1Explain the policies & procedures of the setting or service in response to accidents, incidents, emergencies & illness. 4. 2Identify the correct procedures for recording & reporting accidents, incidents, injuries, signs of illness & other emergenciesDuring our induction we go through the procedures to ensure that if an accident, incident, emergency or illness occurs we will know what to do and are able to carry out the required actions calmly and confidently. They are keep in a file that is easily accessible for careers to look at if requested, and so that we may refer to them if needed. Accident/First Aid: We have a qualifie d first aider in the setting or on an outing at any one time. It is our settings policy that all staff has a valid first aid qualification, so training in first aid is offered to all staff members. If a child has an accident at the setting and requires first aid then the relevant qualified person will use the settings first aid kit, which is easily accessible and regularly checked.When an accident occurs we fill out or accident book which details; where, when, how and what treatment was administered. The parents/carer is then informed and asked to sign it at the end of the session. If the injury is more severe and requires further medical attention then the parent/carer is contacted and informed or following signed consent on the settings registration form the child can be taken to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit. We have a duty to inform Ofsted and the Health and Safety Executive of any injury that requires treatment by a medical professional or in the event of the death. O ur manager reviews the accident book at the end of each term. This allows us to identify any potential or actual hazards. Medication:Before any medication can be given parents/carer have to complete and sign a consent form. The form states the child’s name; the name of the medication; the dose & frequency; how the medication should be given (before food/with food). All medication is stored appropriately in the kitchen out of the reach of the children in the setting. For the safety of the staff and children, all medication that is given to children is witnessed and checked by another member of staff. Incidents: When an incident occurs at the setting we record it in our Incident book, which is kept in the filing cabinet. An incident could be a break in or theft, vandalism, dangerous occurrence, injury or fatality.In the incident book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done about it – or if it was reported to the p olice, and if so a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded. We comply with current HSE Regulations and report to the Health and Safety executive. Emergencies: These procedures state what to do in the event of a fire and/or evacuation. Our manager is responsible for the procedures ensuring they are up-to-date and in place. We carry out regular fire drills so that the children and staff know what to expect and also to identify any issues with our procedure. The dates and time taken to carry out fire drills are recorded. Sickness and illness:The settings policy for the exclusion of sick or infectious children is given to parents/carer in the settings information pack; these include the period of time we require a child to stay home following a bout of sickness or diarrhoea or other infectious illness such a chicken pox. When infectious illness is discovered, such as head lice, letters are given out to notify parents. If a child, following consultat ion with a qualified medical professional has an infectious disease, which is on the notifiable diseases list, then Ofsted are informed. If a child becomes ill whilst at the setting the parent/carer are called, if they are not available we have a list of authorised emergency contacts in the child’s file we can call to collect the child, until such time the child is cared for in an appropriate area of the setting.If a child becomes unwell and is a cause for serious concern then an ambulance would be called. We have procedures and specific cleaning kit for use on spilled bodily fluids. Recognising illness difficulty breathing – high temperature/fever – blueness around the lips – cold extremities – pale or clammy skin – floppy, unresponsive or unconscious Situations to be familiar with: Bites and stings – bleeding – burns and scalds – choking – electric shock – extreme effects of heat and cold – eye inj uries – poisoning – suspected fractures – meningitis – anaphylactic shock – febrile convulsions (www. nhs. co. uk) foreign bodies – caring for the unconscious person.All children have an emergency contact number in their files, it may not be the child’s parents, because of work commitments may make it difficult for them to be contacted, it may be the grandparents or auntie that is the emergency contact instead. The manager or key worker will get in touch with the emergency contact as soon as possible and inform the relevant person of the incident, and where the child has been taken if the accident was serious. The key worker or someone the child knows well will go to the hospital with them until there parents or other careers arrive, this will help reassure the child and be a point of contact when the parents arrive.

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